Viewing available Projects #
Under WP Hourly -> Projects you can view all your available active and archived projects. They show up nicely with some quick view data about them as well, such as project completion percentage, deadline, customer, total tracked hours, etc.
Projects are grouped by the Active and Archived status, and you can view all of them or just the active ones or archived ones.
Where to add a project from? #
In order to add a new project in WP Hourly, you need to go to the Projects tab under WP Hourly in the WordPress admin menu. From there, just click on the big PLUS sign.
Setting up a project #
Once you’ve done as instructed above, a modal window will open containing a form with the Project’s available settings:
- Project title (mandatory)
- Estimated hours
- External URL (useful if you manage the project in Asana for example)
- Deadline
- Client (select the customer you are billing for this project)
- Billable / Non-billable status (if set to non-billable, time tracked under this project will not be billed to the client)
- Project hourly rate (overwrites Global and Client rate)
- Project description
The single Project dashboard #
Understanding the Project Dashboard is a walk in the park. The user interface is designed so that it looks intuitive and making use of as much “edit in place” functionality as possible.
As you can see, we have the following major sections:
Top section #
This section contains the following elements:
- Editable project title (just click to edit)
- Active / Archived project status toggle button
- Progress bar, showing what percentage of the Project is completed, calculating by the number of total vs. completed Tasks
- Client select dropdown with avatar / gravatar support
- Project billable / non-billable status
- Live Task search filter
- Project rate (overwrites global and client rate) (just click to edit)
- Project creation date
- Project Tracked vs. Estimated Hours (just click to edit)
- Project deadline (click to set date)
Project details section #
This section contains the following elements:
- External project URL (click to edit)
- Project description textarea (just click to edit)
Project Tasks section #
This section is divided into 3 sub-sections which pretty much handle the stage of a Task in any project management environment. We plan to add the ability to create custom columns as well, but there is no ETA for this feature yet.
The sections are as follows:
- Backlog
- To Do
- Done
IMPORTANT NOTE: if you are using the WP Hourly Tracker add-on, only tasks within the To Do column will show in the desktop time tracking app. This is not a bug; it is how it is intended in order to avoid cluttering.
Deleting a project #
In order to delete a project, you must first mark it as Archived. It is not permitted to delete Active projects in WP Hourly.
Once you marked it as archived, new options will appear under the Project details section on the left.
It is strongly NOT recommended to delete a project as that action is irreversible. If you have not printed out all of your reports and orders, and you delete a project, you will have no way of accessing that project’s data in the future. It really is gone. Forever.